Monday, August 3, 2009

Pad Thai

I made some Pad Thai today.
I've had some problems with making a good pad thai sauce without the fish sauce, so I used this one from the store. (No fish sauce!) They say you only need two sauce packets for a pound of the noodles, but I think you really need three.
In this pad thai is some onion, carrot, zucchini, and broccoli. And of course some rice noodles (1 pound), and the sauce. The veggies wouldn't really mix with the noodles, they liked to hide under them, so you can't really see them in the photo.
then I garnished with some basil from the garden, some lime wedges, and some chopped peanuts. Very tasty!

1 comment:

lynelle said...

it was delicious! thank you!